Thursday, February 6, 2025

Doll’s Head Trail

            This post is not about Valley of the Dolls. No, it's about Doll's Head Trail - a distinctive art experience in Constitution Lakes Park, just outside of Atlanta.

            Located on the site of an abandoned 19th-century brick factory, the nature preserve was bought by Dekalb County in 2003, and they began constructing trails. The Doll’s Head Trail itself is the creation of a local carpenter, Joel Slaton, who envisioned an art project created from discarded doll parts and other trash scattered around the site. For some reason, the site had been used as a dumping ground for years, and flooding also, somehow, produced more art objects - one source said from homes that were flooded. Slaton turned it all into a found art experience, and he encouraged visitors to make their own contributions, but only objects found on the site – not brought in from outside. As the sign on the trailhead says, “Litter makes the angels cry.”


            Here are some samples of what Kim and I saw:


Do you have a favorite?

Some of you may find these creepy. Perhaps, but they also say something to me about mortality - what Time does to us, and how there is a kind of beauty in what happens. A creepy beauty, perhaps . . ..




  1. Creepy was what kept popping into my head. The site reminds me of a similar creation in Detroit. Keep up your explorations.

  2. I thought of the same word, creepy. It made me think about all the stuff we throw away & pollute the environment. This is a different kind of art project. It’s thought provoking. You are venturing out & learning about your new environment. “Where have all the birds & butterflies gone?”
